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Is your dog bored of eating kibbles? Here are several alternatives to consider!

Ace P

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

Are you tired of thinking about new food options for your dog every day? Do you face daily tantrums from your dog related to this? This post covers various food alternatives that you can offer to your dog if he/she is bored with eating plain kibbles every day. Below are a few of them:

1. Rice and curd: Ace loves this a lot. Brown rice is better than the white variety.

2. Raw meat and eggs: Remove the egg yolk after boiling, and you can give 6-8 eggs in a meal. Do not give boiled chicken bones to your dog as they can break and splinter which can puncture the gastrointestinal tract.

3. Khichdi: A good, easy-to-digest option. Fresh veggies: If your dog enjoys them, then it's good for you. Ace prefers meat.

4. Seasonal fruits: We mix crushed mangoes, watermelon, banana, or apple with his kibbles.

5. Toppings for the kibbles:

  • Dog wet food/gravy available in the market is another option to add to the kibbles.

  • We also crush biscuit treats in a mixer and add the powdered treat to his food.

  • Peanut butter is something most dogs enjoy (please make sure it is unsalted and unsweetened).

  • You can also try salmon oil.

Daily tantrums of Ace on food
Ace doesn't like veggies

Let us know what else you give to your dog and solve this problem for all the pawrents out there!

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